
Stand No: WL1492

Amazing FBA

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Are you a committed private label entrepreneur? 
If so,  you probably came into this business for passive income, greater freedom and more personal wealth. Possibly you're aiming for a 7- or even 8-figure exit within the next 2-5 years. 

But if you’re like many of our mastermind members were when they joined us, you’ve had enough of working hard, risking your money and getting too little in return. 

Amazon still delivers sales- under COVID, more than ever before.
And you are a savvy Amazonian. 

 But in a changing world of Amazon restrictions, FBA stock restrictions, spiralling freight costs and ever-growing competition, it’s not enough to have survived till now on your own. You need help.

Whether you’re working on your own,  or you’re  leading a team but unable to share your concerns as business owner or manager with them, you’re probably experiencing a feeling of isolation. If sales go down, you feel despondent. If they go up, you wonder if it will last. When Amazon rankings drop for your hero products, you can’t tell if it’s permanent or a glitch. 

That’s no fun! Business has tough times but you probably didn’t volunteer for constant concern and worry when you started. 

What you really need instead of isolation is connection. Instead of Amazon confusion, you need clarity. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you need 5 minutes with someone who’s been there before. 

You need a real peer group. 


Step forward the 10K Collective mastermind. 

Active since the autumn of 2017, the mastermind is a hand-picked selection of some of the brightest and best Amazon private label/custom product entrepreneurs in the UK and Europe. 

With over $25 million in revenue added to members’ businesses since we started, and with doubling revenue annually a not uncommon occurrence, we bring together all those fragmented bits of Amazon savvy and ecom lore into one unified group. 

Meeting in a mix of online and in person (in our London home), we bring together a genuine community of peers. As well as solving issues month to month, we work together to help each other build value in our businesses, and make those businesses highly desirable, sellable assets. 

Above all, we put the connection back in eCommerce, while making great profits as we do so. 

We don’t lump together people of widely different business stages; we have separate groups for different levels. 
Nor do we have giant impersonal groups (we limit group meetings to 10 people per meeting). 

Nor is it about the guru of the moment (who next year may be yesterday’s news. Instead, we offer a genuine peer to peer mastermind as conceived by Napoleon Hill almost a century ago. And it works. 

Membership is by application only; but if you have some experience doing at least low 6 figures a year in revenue, we’d welcome your application. I

f it looks suitable, we’ll give you a chance to have a friendly chat with the convenor and moderator of the group, Michael Veazey (of Amazing FBA). 

If in doubt, at least check it out.

You’ve suffered alone enough. Don’t impose that experience on yourself for another year. Reach out, connect and up your profits, all at the same time. That’s the power of a real mastermind of your best peers. That, in short, is the power of the 10K Collective. 

Amazing FBA: Product image 1
Amazing FBA: Product image 2
Amazing FBA: Product image 3